With the President of the Council of Europe |
With the Secretary General of the Council of Europe |
With the former President of the Council of Europe |
With the deputies of the Council of Europe |
with the reporter of the Council of Europe on human rights situation |
The speech of the chairman of the foundation in the Council of Europe |
During the visit of the leaders of the foundation to the Bayil prison |
During the visit of the leaders of the foundation to the prison #9 |
The leaders of the foundation during their visit to the prison of Nevada,US (a newspaper photo) |
During the conduction of the seminar among the relatives of the political prisoners |
During the release of the chairman of the foundation from his political imprisonment |
at the White House |
at the U.S. Congress |
With the Governor of the Okolohoma State U.S. |
During the seminar among of the former political prisoners |
During our interview to the U.S. Channel#6 |
The release of the political prisoners in the result of the work of the foundation |
Mr.Andrew Tucker the British ambassador in Azerbaijan presenting the award to Rena and Murad Sadaddinovs |
Mr.Ross Wilson, the US ambassador in Azerbaijan congratulating the laureates |
The members of the Federation, the human rights organizations of Azerbaijan |
The round table with the topic " The Council of Europe and Azerbaijan organized by the our foundation |
with President Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili and his wife |
Mr. and Mrs Harnish, US Ambassador |
with reporter of the Council of Europe Malcolm Bruce |
With Georgian Ministry Foreign Affairs |
meeting with Ministry of Education |
meeting with Ministry of Education |
meeting about Baku problems |
In police isolator |
In police isolator |
Sadaddinov speech in Kornegy Foundation, Washington |
Sadaddinov speech in Soros Foundation, New-York |
with US Senator Graham |
with US Congresswomen Schakowski |
with US Senator Burr |
with US Congressman Feeney |
With Senator Hillary Clinton |
With US Congressman MaCain |
Witn Senators Lamar Aleksandr and Bob Corker |
With US Congressman and Chairman of the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Alcee L. Hastings |