With the President of the Council of Europe With the Secretary General of the Council of Europe With the former President of the Council of Europe With the deputies of the Council of Europe with the  reporter of the Council of Europe on human rights situation The speech of the chairman of the foundation in the Council of Europe During the visit of the leaders of the foundation to the Bayil prison
During the visit of the leaders of the foundation to the  prison #9 The leaders of the foundation during their visit to the prison of Nevada,US (a newspaper photo) During the conduction of the seminar among the relatives of the political prisoners During the release of the chairman of the foundation from his political imprisonment at the White House at the U.S. Congress With the Governor of the Okolohoma State U.S.
During the seminar among of the former political prisoners During our interview to the U.S. Channel#6 The release of the political prisoners in the result of the work of the foundation Mr.Andrew Tucker the British ambassador in Azerbaijan presenting the award to Rena and Murad Sadaddinovs Mr.Ross Wilson, the US ambassador in Azerbaijan congratulating the laureates The members of the Federation, the human rights organizations of Azerbaijan The round table with the topic " The Council of Europe and Azerbaijan organized by the our foundation
with President Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili and his wife Mr. and Mrs Harnish, US Ambassador with reporter of the Council of Europe Malcolm Bruce With Georgian Ministry Foreign Affairs meeting with Ministry of Education meeting with Ministry of Education meeting about Baku problems
In police isolator In police isolator Sadaddinov speech in Kornegy Foundation, Washington Sadaddinov speech in Soros Foundation, New-York with US Senator Graham with US Congresswomen Schakowski with US Senator Burr
with US Congressman Feeney With Senator Hillary Clinton With US Congressman MaCain Witn Senators Lamar Aleksandr and Bob Corker With US Congressman and Chairman of the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe Alcee L. Hastings

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